Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

exam with (C-THR97-2311)² CBK® 2018 aligned [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

certification course. Take [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

online training to get ✔️ Exam pass guarantee* ✔️ 30 CPEs ✔️ 5 Simulation Exams."> Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

, certification, Training, course, Online, Moodle"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "Moodle", "item": "/" },{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "name": "SAP", "item": "" },{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 3, "name": "New C-THR97-2311 Test Voucher", "item": "" }] } Online Training - Get [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

Certification | Moodle"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "Moodle", "item": "/" },{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "name": "SAP", "item": "" },{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 3, "name": "New C-THR97-2311 Test Voucher", "item": "" }] } exam with (C-THR97-2311)² CBK® 2018 aligned [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

certification course. Take [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

online training to get ✔️ Exam pass guarantee* ✔️ 30 CPEs ✔️ 5 Simulation Exams.">

New C-THR97-2311 Test Voucher, Exam Dumps C-THR97-2311 Free | Latest Study C-THR97-2311 Questions - Moodle

The [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

certification training develops your expertise in defining the IT architecture and in designing, building, and maintaining a secure business environment using globally approved information security standards. The course covers industry best practices and prepares you for the [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

certification exam held by (C-THR97-2311)².

Exam Pass Guarantee
Moodle offers an Exam Pass Guarantee* to students who complete our course training. We also provide a voucher (free of charge) to our students so they can retake the exam in case they fail the [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

Certification final exam on the first try.
100% Money Back Guarantee
100% money-back guarantee*

Our training course comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. Moodle believes in our highly effective blended learning methodology and its ability to provide learners with the knowledge and confidence to pass the [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

Exam in the first attempt.

Valid only in INDIA, AFRICA & INDIAN Subcontinent.

No questions asked refund*

At Moodle, we value the trust of our patrons immensely. But, if you feel that a course does not meet your expectations, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. Just send us a refund request via email within 7 days of purchase and we will refund 100% of your payment, no questions asked!

[A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

Training Key Features

  • 67 hours of in-depth learning
  • 5 simulation test papers to prepare you for [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
    Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

    Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
    A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
    B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
    C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
    D. enabled by the container automatically
    Answer: A,B,C

    Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
    A. WORM
    B. CD-R
    C. Flash
    D. DLT4 tapes
    E. SDLT tapes
    Answer: A,B

  • Offers the requisite 30 CPEs for taking the [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
    Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

    Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
    A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
    B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
    C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
    D. enabled by the container automatically
    Answer: A,B,C

    Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
    A. WORM
    B. CD-R
    C. Flash
    D. DLT4 tapes
    E. SDLT tapes
    Answer: A,B

  • [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
    Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

    Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
    A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
    B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
    C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
    D. enabled by the container automatically
    Answer: A,B,C

    Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
    A. WORM
    B. CD-R
    C. Flash
    D. DLT4 tapes
    E. SDLT tapes
    Answer: A,B

    exam voucher

Skills Covered

  • Security and risk management
  • Asset security, Security architecture and design
  • Cryptography, OSI and TCP/IP models
  • IP addresses
  • Network security
  • Identity and access management
  • Security assessment and testing
  • Software development security


A [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

certification validates your skills in IT security. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts a total of 3.5 million Cyber Security jobs by 2021. The global Cyber Security market is expected to reach USD $282.3 Billion by 2024, growing at a rate of 11.1-percent annually.

  • Designation
  • Annual Salary
  • Hiring Companies

Training Options

[A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

Course Curriculum


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Which of the following projects is likely to have multiple Modified Internal Rates of Return. Assume a
14.5% cost of capital.
Project A
Initial investment outlay: ($1,000,000)
t1: $0.00
t2: $0.00
t3: $0.00
t4: $0.00
t5: $0.00
t6: $10,000,000
Project B
Initial investment outlay: ($1,000,000)
t1: $500,000
t2: $500,000
t3: $500,000
t4: $0.01
Project C
Initial investment outlay: ($1,000,000)
t1: $800,000
t2: ($100,000)
t3: $550,000
Project D
Initial investment outlay: ($500,000)
t1: $400,000
t2: ($1,000)
t3: $230,000
t4: ($50,000)
A. Project A
B. More than one of these answers are correct
C. Project C
D. Project D
E. Project B
F. None of these answers is correct
Answer: F
Remember that the Modified Internal Rate of Return method will not produce multiple answers for nonnormal projects. The fact that MIRR will not produce multiple answers for non-normal projects is one of the reasons that this method should be considered as superior to the traditional Internal Rate of Return method.


A. Option B
B. Option D
C. Option C
D. Option A
Answer: D
Sometimes situations arise when user should fill a single or more than one fields with alphabet characters (A-Z or a-z) in a HTML form. You can write a JavaScript form validation script to check whether the required field(s) in the HTML form contains only letters. - Javascript function to check for all letters in a field view plainprint?
function allLetter(inputtxt)
var letters = /

Read More


To obtain your [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

certification, you must have a minimum of five years of full-time professional work experience in two or more of the 8 domains of the [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

– (C-THR97-2311)² CBK 2018. A qualified individual with less than five years of experience will receive the (C-THR97-2311)² associate title.
Read More

Course Content

[A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

Course Advisor

  • Dean Pompilio

    Dean Pompilio

    Technical Trainer, Owner- Steppingstonesolutions Inc

    Related Posts
    return true;
    return false;
    To get a string contains only letters (both uppercase or lowercase) we use a regular expression (/


[A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

Course Reviews

  • Peter Bartow

    Peter Bartow

    Sr Project Manager IT PMO at University of Miami

    I enjoyed taking the class with so many people from all over the world.

  • Ebenezer Fowobaje

    Ebenezer Fowobaje

    Product Owner at High Products Consulting

    The training is very efficient and accurate...Simple and direct teaching technique was helpful.

  • Erik Smidt

    Erik Smidt

    Sr. Security Manager

    The course was well balanced and covered each domain clearly and in good detail. The instructor was very knowledgeable and led a very effective course.

  • Rohit Dohare

    Rohit Dohare

    IT Security and Compliance @ Anglepoint Inc.

    I would like to thank Moodle for providing a knowledgeable trainer. It was a great experience with Moodle team.

  • Fernandez Vijay

    Fernandez Vijay

    Technical Specialist - Security at Microland Limited

    Moodle has been a great learning platform for me. I had enrolled for [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
    Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

    Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
    A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
    B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
    C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
    D. enabled by the container automatically
    Answer: A,B,C

    Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
    A. WORM
    B. CD-R
    C. Flash
    D. DLT4 tapes
    E. SDLT tapes
    Answer: A,B

    and my expectation was met, with the expertise the trainer had on the concepts. I look forward to doing more course with Moodle.

  • Thomas Kurian

    Thomas Kurian

    Information Security Engineer at Kuwaiti Canadian Consulting Group

    The training is online and interactive. The recordings are also shared for our reference.

  • Vijay Chaitanya Reddy Kovvuri

    Vijay Chaitanya Reddy Kovvuri

    Information Security at Syntel

    Interactive sessions...Example scenarios are good...The overall flow was good…

  • Manoj Sharma

    Manoj Sharma

    Information Security Manager

    The precise syllabus, quality of webEx app, the quality of trainers and the ease of use of Moodle website... Highly satisfied.

  • R Giri

    R Giri

    Sr.Manager - IT at Syndicate Bank

    The concepts of the Instructor was mind-blowing...Lots of Industry examples...Very well organized...

  • Nityanand Singh

    Nityanand Singh

    Associate Manager-IT Operations at Tredence

    Really good training. It helped me to clear a lot of doubts which were present in my mind for a long time.

  • Sujay Sonar

    Sujay Sonar

    Business Analyst at Cognizant Technology Solutions

    The course content is very good and satisfactory. The trainer is also good with his teaching abilities.

  • Jenish James

    Jenish James

    IT Security Analyst at Halliburton

    The training was nice and to the point. The trainer was nice and helpful. He cleared all our course-related doubts.

  • Rakesh Sharma

    Rakesh Sharma

    IT Consultancy and Advisory

    I loved the course on [A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
    Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

    Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
    A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
    B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
    C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
    D. enabled by the container automatically
    Answer: A,B,C

    Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
    A. WORM
    B. CD-R
    C. Flash
    D. DLT4 tapes
    E. SDLT tapes
    Answer: A,B

    ® - from Moodle. It was concise, comprehensive and easy to follow. Their videos, live sessions, and exams are excellent.

  • Akbar Ali

    Akbar Ali

    Systems Engineer at Allscripts

    One of the interesting and interactive sessions I have ever attended.

  • Hussein Ali AL-Assaad

    Hussein Ali AL-Assaad

    IT Manager at O&G Engineering

    Moodle has been a great learning experience. The trainer is extremely knowledgeable. The full team is very helpful and flexible. I recommend Moodle to my friends and families.

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Moodle’s Blended Learning model brings classroom learning experience online with its world-class LMS. It combines instructor-led training, self-paced learning and personalized mentoring to provide an immersive learning experience.

[A-Za- z]+$/) which allows only letters. Next the match() method of string object is used to match the said regular expression against the input value.
Reference: JavaScript : HTML Form validation - checking for all letters

Choose three ways to enable MTOM on a web service endpoint deployed in an EE container ? (Choose three)
A. by specifying @MTOM annotation on the endpoint's class
B. by specifying a wsoma:MTOM policy in WSDLE. by specifying <mtom> element in sun-jaxws.xml
C. by specifying <enable-mtom> in webservices.xml deployment descriptor
D. enabled by the container automatically
Answer: A,B,C

Which of the following is designed to guarantee that once data is written it cannot be modified? (Select TWO).
C. Flash
D. DLT4 tapes
E. SDLT tapes
Answer: A,B

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